Users of Training & Development to Employee Empowerment.

   Employee training and empowerment are said to be essential elements of a strategic 
Resource management, as well as a means of minimizing and achieving marketplace uncertainty
Corporate goals. Every organization expects its employees to work hard to achieve their mission

   Business goals. Basically, training can be treated as a tool to perform a job. To perform the job, training and empowerment are equally impacted. (Yamoah, E.2013). Skill development is essential for sustainable business growth and success. Organizations go through lengthy processes to recruit and recruit qualified and qualified employees, but often the emphasis stops there, with some business leaders nurturing their capabilities regardless of the importance of developing their employees.

What is training?

Employee training is a program that helps employees learn specific knowledge or skills to improve the performance of their current roles. Employee development is broader and focuses on employee growth and future performance rather than the immediate job role. (ALLENCOMM,2021)

In modern management, training and development is a specialized field under the human resources department to feed in the technical know-how for recruits on a particular job and develop the skills of the existing workforce for further improvement.  

 Training is the most important part of the human resource management function for the effective use of human resources. Nowadays, everyone admits the value of training as a major influence on the success of the organization. Training enhances knowledge and information about a certain field and also adds an advantage to networking for the efficiency and performance of employees. ( Atif Khan, M. 2013)

The organization takes 2 modes of training

1 Training for new recruitment

2. Retraining for the low performing workers

3. Training programs for advancement and new learnings.

These are ways of encouraging and enhancing the skill levels of employees to perform better and to continue employment, which results in job satisfaction and empowerment. While training and development are focused through improve the skill levels to perform a job.

What is development?

Employee development is the process by which employees, with the assistance of their employer, acquire learning opportunities through vocational training or to hone their skills and develop their knowledge and careers.

Employee training and development often involves interchangeable applications, across disciplines, and different employee learning practices. More specifically, employee training includes programs that allow employees to learn specific skills or gain knowledge to improve job performance. (getsmarter,2021)

Relationship between training & development and employee empowerment 

Fig 1.1
(Yamoah, E.2013)

Fig 1.1 shows that training and empowerment are to be possessed though only to perform the job. Training and empowerment are the main two combinations that lead the employee to be a success in his job performance. Decision-making is the main characteristic of an empowered employee. Decision-making is a skill to be developed through training and development. Training will help to build the trust or confidence of employees. This will lead to  improving empowerment as well as increased job performance,(Yamoah, E.2013)

Benefits of Training & Development increase

1. Positive employee retention -

Recruiting and retaining talented people can be an ongoing challenge for employers, however, one way to retain your staff is to provide them with career development opportunities. Incorporates development program presentations in employment contracts that strengthen the employee’s sense of value within the company, nurture loyalty, and ultimately increase staff retention.

2. Training develops future leaders. 

Training is used to identify the skill and competency gap of the employee and help to fill the gap. This will help to develop leaders. 

3. Increase workplace engagement.

Leaders who provoke people's imaginations and mobilize them with a powerful vision have more influence than managers who simply focus on the subconscious.

4. High job performance 

5. Reduce conflict 

6. Increase innovative ideas.

7. Less supervision.


1.Yamoah, E., (2013). Employee Training and Empowerment: A Conceptual Model for Achieving High Job Performance. Journal of Education and Practice, [online] 4(13), pp.27 -30. Available at: <> [Accessed 27 April 2022].

2. Atif Khan, M .Shaheen, A.Hussain, S.(2013) 'Employees Training and Organizational Performance: Mediation by Employees Performance', INTERDISCIPLINARY JOURNAL OF CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH IN BUSINESS,[online],5(4), pp.490-503.Available at:

[Accessed:28 April 2022]

3.AllenComm. (2022). What is Employee Training & Development? | AllenComm. [online] Available at: <,than%20an%20immediate%20job%20role> [Accessed 26 April 2022].

4. GetSmarter. (2022). Employee Training and Development: The Benefits of Upskilling or Reskilling Your Team | GetSmarter Blog. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 25 April 2022].


  1. As explained by (Motamarri, 2020) Empowerment has been argued as a possible approach to permit frontline employees (FLEs) to control the complexities of carrier encounters. Organizations should cascade insights from analytics to frontlines for dynamic (re)bundling of carrier factors even as serving customers. However, little or no is understood of how FLEs are empowered in analytics-pushed services

    Motamarri, S., Akter, S. and Yanamandram, V., 2020. Frontline employee empowerment: Scale development and validation using Confirmatory Composite Analysis. International Journal of Information Management, 54, p.102177.

  2. Empowerment is an exertion to allow supervisors trust to subordinates and encourage them to be creative in order to complete their duties as best they can. That empowerment is a process that provides opportunities for workers to set goals related to their own work, make decisions, and solve problems within their own scope of responsibility. Training is the key to organizational strategy to build a sustainable competitive advantage and survival in the organization. Employee orientation is to provide background information to perform their jobs satisfactorily and provide information about company regulations.
    (Riyadi, & Auliya,2021)

  3. Employees shouldn't have to rely on their managers for every single decision for them. They should feel empowered enough to lead themselves for personal and organisational goals. Empowering employees and team is not a typical easy task. It must be handled carefully. They should be trained to be empowered through a learning process. Implementing mentoring and coaching programmes, encourage self pace learning and assessing, opportunities for continuous learning and development, appreciate and reward learning efforts are very important to empower employees.(Andriotis, 2018)

  4. The core purpose of every organization is to enhance its overall performance which can only be achieved through efficient performance of employees (Tahir et al., 2014). Hence, performance management came into existence as a management tool to direct and rectify the worries, organizations had about performance (Sharif, 2002). Performance means the achievement of something or working efficiently and effectively (Tahir et al., 2014). To improve the performance of an organization, achieve desired outcome and gain competitive advantage over its competitors, it would not be possible without the efficient and effective performance of employees ( Isaac Mwita, 2000). To enhance the overall performance of an organization, it is essential to use the human resources of the organization efficiently and effectively (Hanaysha, International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 2017, Vol. 7, No. 11 ISSN: 2222-6990 381 2016). Former journal shows that there are numerous organizational factors such as teamwork, employee empowerment and training that can influence employee performance .


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